Best Time to do an IRA

Best time to do an IRA

Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) are powerful tools for building a secure financial future. Whether you’re just starting your career or nearing retirement, an IRA can play a crucial role in helping you achieve your long-term financial goals. The best time to start an IRA depends on various factors, but taking action sooner rather than later can significantly benefit your retirement savings.

This information does not constitute financial advice.  It is intended to give you insights to help you with conversations with your financial advisor.  Here are 7 facets to consider when considering starting an IRA.  If you apply these principles you will know the best time to start an IRA for yourself.

Early in Your Career: Seizing the Power of Compound Interest

One of the most compelling reasons to start an IRA early in your career is the power of compound interest. When you contribute to an IRA, your money has the potential to grow not only from your contributions but also from the interest and investment returns it earns over time.

The longer your money remains invested, the more time it has to compound and grow exponentially. By starting early, you can take full advantage of this compounding effect, potentially amassing substantial savings by the time you retire.

When You Have Steady Income: Prioritize Retirement Savings

The best time to start an IRA is when you have a steady income. Having a regular paycheck allows you to make consistent contributions to your IRA without straining your finances.  However, don’t let a perceived lack of steady income deter you from starting an IRA.

Additionally, if your employer offers a 401(k) match, it’s essential to contribute enough to take full advantage of the matching funds before considering an IRA. After maximizing your employer’s match, funding an IRA can further boost your retirement savings.

Before the Tax Deadline: Utilize Tax Benefits

Contributions to traditional IRAs can provide valuable tax benefits. By contributing to a traditional IRA before the tax-filing deadline (usually April 15th), you can potentially reduce your taxable income for the previous year.

This reduces your current tax liability, allowing you to keep more of your hard-earned money while building your retirement nest egg.  You will pay taxes on it later when you withdraw funds from the IRA account, however it was tax free deposits that helped you generate funds for the future.

After Paying Off High-Interest Debt: Minimize Financial Obligations

Before starting an IRA, it’s wise to prioritize paying off high-interest debt, such as credit card balances or personal loans. High-interest debt can eat into your savings and hinder your ability to contribute meaningfully to an IRA.

By eliminating these financial obligations first, you can free up more funds to allocate towards retirement savings, setting a strong foundation for your financial future.  It is important to pay off debts that drain your financial resources versus helping you build a future.

Taking Advantage of Roth IRAs: Consider Your Tax Situation

If you expect your tax rate to be higher in retirement or if you are in a relatively low tax bracket now, a Roth IRA may be more advantageous than a traditional IRA. Roth IRAs are funded with after-tax dollars, meaning you won’t get an immediate tax deduction for your contributions.

However, the withdrawals in retirement are tax-free, providing tax-free income during your golden years. Evaluating your current and projected future tax situation can help you decide if a Roth IRA is the best fit for you.  If the opportunity permits you to invest in a Roth IRA, the future benefits are worth the effort.

During Market Downturns: Capitalize on Investment Opportunities

While it may seem counterintuitive, market downturns can present excellent opportunities to start an IRA or increase your contributions. During bear markets, stock prices are lower, and you can purchase more shares for the same amount of money.

Over time, as the market rebounds, these investments can yield substantial returns. Timing the market perfectly is nearly impossible, but starting an IRA during a downturn can set you up for significant gains in the long run.  The important question is determining your financial flexibility allowing you to take advantage of market downtimes.

Anytime is Better Than Never: Don’t Delay!

Ultimately, the best time to start an IRA is as soon as possible. Procrastination can be detrimental to your retirement savings. By delaying the decision to open an IRA, you miss out on the potential benefits of compounding and tax advantages.

Even if you can’t afford to make large contributions initially, starting with small, regular contributions can make a significant difference over time. The key is consistency and committing to saving for your future.  The compounding interest and consistent contributions over the years are the key to a successful IRA portfolio.


In conclusion, the best time to start an IRA is now. Whether you’re just beginning your career or nearing retirement, taking advantage of an IRA’s benefits can significantly impact your financial security during your golden years.

Consider your current financial situation, tax implications, and long-term goals as you make the decision to start an IRA. Remember, the power of compounding and early contributions can make a substantial difference in building a robust retirement savings portfolio. Don’t wait; secure your financial future by starting an IRA today.

Photo Credits:
Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

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